
There is a growing need for integration of psychedelic and plant medicine experiences, and support is often needed in creating a bridge between worlds to reduce fragmenting and disorientation. This can look like psychological integration, body work to help stabilize body’s systems and create space to accommodate new insights and energies, and ritual practices to sustain continued engagement.


Medicinal plants can be huge allies on our healing journey. We cultivate and wild harvest our plants to make medicines that can reach physiological and deep energetic levels to support wellness. Consultations, workshops, and support connecting to, harvesting, and preparing your own herbal medicines are offered.


Astrology can be another helpful framework for navigating life transitions, enhancing deeper understanding of self to create more balance and harmony in relationships and in following your life path. Often offered in conjunction with counseling to support what is unfolding in your life and psyche. Basic chart and transit readings also offered.