Ancestral Reconnection

Who do we come from and how do their stories live through us and inform us about who we are? Where and to whom do we source our sense of belonging? So many of us have been severed from our ancestral roots, creating a deep sense of loneliness, longing, and disorientation.

Genealogical Research and Uncovering the Stories:  We conduct extensive research into genealogical records and provide historical context to help you understand why people were doing what they were and get a feel for what life was like at that time.  We piece together the stories, not just the names and dates.  You will come away with a written report that tells the story of your lineage. 

Intuitive guidance and direct connection: Get to know the medicine of this lineage through direct connection with the ancestors and actively work to facilitate repair along the lineage.

Integration: Understand the psychological, behavioral, and emotional implications of carrying the inheritance of this lineage and unpack how that helps you understand yourself what patterns might be ready to be released.  Embody the strengths and blessings and unwind what is no longer beneficial. 

Continued support for deepening: Through song, art, ancestral craft, herbalism, movement practice, body work, cooking, mythology, writing, etc. we provide guidance to help you incorporate practices and interests into daily life to help support continued connection with the ancestors.